Uses of Solar Energy in Daily Life

--> We’ve all heard of solar energy – energy from the sun that can be harnessed for all kinds of different reasons. For example during the summer when you are growing tomatoes in your greenhouse, you are harnessing solar energy to accelerate the growing process. You don’t need solar panels to use this energy, since the glass the greenhouse is made from heats up the space inside as a direct result of the sun beating down on it. But the process is much the same. Solar energy for heating When we think of solar energy we tend to think primarily of using it to heat our homes. One of the most common questions people ask is ‘ how much are solar panels ’ so they can work out how long it will take to earn back the investment made in solar panels for their homes. The panels take the heat from the sun by using photovoltaic cells and convert it into usable heat for the home. Solar energy can also be used to heat water to use in various ways inside the home. This requires a differen...