Mexico goes Green !

The Mexican Government has made an important test towards sustainability in tourism. Bu signing a master agreement between Mexico's Secretary of Tourism (SECTUR) and the Certification Agency  EC3 Global (EarthCheck) at signed at the First National Forum on Sustainable Tourism, Mexico is clearly aiming at increasing the sustainability of tourism projects in Mexico.

Major goals are energy efficiency, improved environmental performance and the protection of cultural heritage. To achieve these, Sec. Guevara Manzo stated that there have been advances in energy saving programs in hotels and tourism companies, and added that tourism in Mexico has a strong commitment to sustainability. EarthCheck and Mexico are working together to make Mexico's communities and destinations more sustainable.

EarthCheck has certified many leading Mexican organisations, including Huatulco's airport, Poliforum Leon, Grupo Vidanta, Grupo Experiencias Xcaret and Banyan Tree Mayakoba. A further 80 businesses will be joining the program over the coming months as part of a statewide initiative in Quintana Roo.


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